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Aluminum Sheet

Aluminum Sheet
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The final surface of insulation should be properly covered to protect thermal insulation's in the long term and maintain them over time from environmental factors.
Aluminum or galvanized sheets are coatings which been used in this case, however Aluminum sheets have more usability in industry due to their lighter weight and better forming.
It is also noted that aluminum sheet alone is not sufficient to protect the thermal insulation and to prevent corrosion it is needed to cover the underlying surface with a suitable coating.
Therefore aluminum sheets are covered and protected with one of the following coatings:

  1. Poly craft coating (polyethylene film +Kraft paper)
  2. Polysurlyn coating
To guide and further information, the comparison of physical and mechanical properties of these coatings is presented and the company is ready to act in accordance with client requirements in this regard.


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Address: Unit 1,No 1,Golha St., Paknezhad Blv., W. Sarv St., Saadat Abad Street. Tehran-Iran

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Phone : +9821 - 22343263       |      Fax. : +9821 - 22346709
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